Vidya Social Empowerment Center

VSEC student volunteers display their caliber as Resource Persons to the school students

Vidya Social Empowerment Center (VSEC) aims to create potential youngsters who will be the change in tomorrow’s society.

As a part of the VSEC’s initiative to empower school students to become better citizens, a session on “Climate Change” was held at Thirumangalam UP School, Engandiyur, on 10 December 2022. The resource persons were Midhun Joshy (S3, EEE Dept) and Sinan Sulaiman (S3, ME Dept).

The session focused mainly on current adverse changes in climatic conditions and their possible reasons, citing human activity as the root cause. The students got an informative session which would certainly influence the way they think and lead their life, giving importance to and protecting the environment for a sustainable future. A quiz was also conducted in which the students actively engaged. The school students from 8th standard , who were, also a part of “Nanma”, an NGO based in Endandiyur participated.  Some of the VICT members were also present during the session.

Dr Siju K C (Head of VSEC and Asst  Prof, AS Dept), co-ordinated the program that witnessed the valuable presence of Mr C K Jayarajan (Author Trustee,VICT).

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