Vidya Social Empowerment Center VSEC conducts Motivational session on “How activities and interaction motivate children” VSEC conducts Awareness Session on “Encouraging to observe Children’s Interests” VSEC celebrates Reading Week ‘SAS’ with an array of activities under the theme ‘Global Warming’ Updates About VSEC VSEC conducts Three-day Empowerment Programme 2023 for school students Workshop on Exploring Creativity Through Activities and Games: A Visit to Children’s Village VSEC conducts two-day Empowerment Programme 2023 for school students VSEC Members conduct Empowerment Session at SOS Village VSEC Members conduct Empowerment Session at SOS Village VSEC conducts empowerment session at SOS Village VSEC Members conduct Empowerment Session at SOS Village VSEC conducts empowerment session ‘SAS’ at SoS Village School students attended  ‘Vidya Science Talent Test’ with much vigor and enthusiasm School students attended Vidya Science Talent Test 2024 with great keenness VSEC conducts session on ‘Importance of 3P’s in our life’s VSEC Empowerment Programme at SOS Children’s Village Thrissur VSEC conducts One Day Orientation Programme for Student Volunteers VSEC conducts Activity Session ‘Introducing Functions’ at SOS Students Village VSEC student volunteers display their caliber as Resource Persons to the school students VSEC conducts Empowerment Program 2K24: Embrace the Power of Possibility Volunteers VSEC Student Volunteers extend support for conducting a session to School Students VSEC Student Volunteers successfully completed the Students Internship Program VSEC Student Volunteer exhibits her capacity as Resource Person Socially responsible young engineers should work for the upliftment of marginalized communities – Higher Education Minister Dr R Bindu on VSEC Day celebration. VSEC Empowerment session at SOS Village Mulayam VSEC Student Volunteer puts on display his capacity as Resource Person VSEC conducts Vocational Awareness session at GHS Thayyur VSEC conducts Vocational Awareness session at Sree Durga Vilasam HSS, Peramangalam VSEC Empowerment and IEEE Collaborative VTP session at ALA UP school VSEC conducts session on Importance of Energy Conservation and Summer” VSEC conducts  Global Warming Awareness Session – “EARTH HAS FEVER” Empowerment Programs VSEC Orientation Programme 2024 Grama Panchayat Visit by VSEC Student Volunteers Grama Panchayat Visit by Intership Students – VSEC VSEC to conduct online quiz for 8th standard students VSEC conducts Vidya Science Talent Test for School Students VSEC conducts Personal Interview with the toppers of Vidya Science Talent Test VSEC Announces Vidya Science Scholarship for School Students VSEC volunteers attend the orientation session of Student Internship Program VSEC Student Volunteers showcase their talents as Resource Persons VSEC conducts ‘Meet the Winners’ session VSEC organizes “Motivation Class” to the students of  SNMHSS Chazhur  School VSEC conducts Training Program ‘Training of Trainers’ VSEC conducts the second round of ‘Vidya Science Scholarship 2023’ VSEC conducts workshop on “Mentoring the Mentors” for school teachers VSEC’s awareness program on Energy Conservation Home